- Puzzle #2 on 3/11/2019
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1- IRS IDs; 5- Accumulate; 10- Quick punch; 13- Like an abyss; 14- Signify; 16- Downed; 17- Soapy; 19- Mohawk-sporting actor; 20- Destiny; 21- Artilleryman; 23- Proverb ending?; 24- Skin marking, often due to injury; 26- Greek peak; 27- Respiration; 29- Lucidity; 32- Scottish loch, home to a monster!; 33- Director's shout; 36- Rebirth of the soul in a new body; 41- Collision; 42- Spiny houseplant; 44- Patella; 48- Sharpening; 50- Able was ___...; 51- Excuse me...; 53- Brandy letters; 54- Colorful vocabulary; 58- Understanding words; 60- Conscription org.; 61- Approximations; 64- Fair-hiring abbr.; 65- Ham; 66- Ascend; 67- Hosp. workers; 68- Hotpoint rival; 69- Robt. ___;
1- Radical '60s org.; 2- Ocean traveler; 3- Like some mountain guides; 4- Small blemish; 5- Abbr. on a toothpaste box; 6- Hajj destination; 7- Lend ___; 8- Before long; 9- Astound; 10- Son of Mary, Queen of Scots; 11- Still; 12- Be unfaithful; 15- "___ Beso" (1962 hit); 18- Snug spot; 22- And not; 23- ___ Saud; 25- Brownish gray baboon; 28- ___ was saying...; 29- Pres., militarily; 30- Feel intense aversion; 31- Picnic pest; 34- ___ Crunch; 35- Musical syllable; 37- Tuck's partner; 38- Singer Janis; 39- Extra virgin unctuous fluid; 40- Malarkey; 43- Self-esteem; 44- Where you're likely to get smacked; 45- Wrestling hold; 46- Rubs out; 47- Poet's dusk; 49- Exclude; 51- Heartburn; 52- Macho guys; 55- Fancy that!; 56- West Point inits.; 57- Molecule part; 59- Regal address; 62- Southern constellation; 63- Visualize;