- Puzzle #3 on 3/12/2019
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1- Must've been something ___; 5- ___ girl!; 9- The entire scale; 14- Whaler's direction; 15- Milk source; 16- Vinegary prefix; 17- Tent event; 18- Cabinet dept.; 19- Water-repellent cloth; 20- Askance; 22- Japanese porcelain; 23- Fitting; 24- Aztec god of rain; 25- Called one's bluff; 29- Bristlelike parts; 32- Singer Newton-John; 34- Irregular; 39- Call at home; 40- Kitten; 42- Vintner's prefix; 43- Weaken; 45- Perform last rites on; 47- ___ my case; 49- Gillette razors; 50- Whole; 54- Surgery sites, briefly; 56- ___ say more?; 57- Easily nauseated; 63- Primp; 64- Figure (out); 65- ___ silly question...; 66- Tonsil neighbor; 67- Slant; 68- Prisoner of Jabba the Hutt; 69- Representative; 70- Fr. holy women; 71- Sawbucks;
1- Wishing won't make ___; 2- Moby's pursuer; 3- Like some orders; 4- ...___ saw Elba; 5- Thoroughly enjoyed; 6- Beliefs; 7- Chinese weight; 8- Give it ___; 9- U.S. space probe to Jupiter; 10- Pueblo Indian village; 11- Purple Heart, e.g.; 12- In ___ (unborn); 13- Quinine water; 21- Muslim judge; 24- Singer Tucker; 25- Prescribed amount; 26- Alda or Ladd; 27- Rampant; 28- Continuously; 30- Alleviates; 31- Atlanta-based cable channel; 33- Separated; 35- Carrot or turnip; 36- Rabin's predecessor; 37- Author Quindlen; 38- A great deal; 41- Versatile vehicle, for short; 44- Adjacent; 46- Mission control gp.; 48- Dishevel; 50- Two cents, so to speak; 51- Audacious; 52- Get ready to drive; 53- Writer ___ Rogers St. Johns; 55- Pauses; 57- Retired fliers; 58- Pack it in; 59- Germinated grain used in brewing; 60- Got it!; 61- Pelt; 62- Lukas of "Witness";