- Puzzle #2 on 3/13/2019
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1- Rent-___; 5- Brahmans, e.g.; 10- Scarf; 14- Sites; 15- Broadcasting; 16- Get in on a deal; 17- Action word; 18- Ballet by Tchaikovsky; 20- Lend ___; 22- Diddley and Derek; 23- Snares; 24- Open the door for; 26- Bullfight cheer; 27- Automobile wheelguards; 30- Sports arena; 34- English Channel swimmer Gertrude; 35- Asian country; 36- Road-sign word; 37- Wee; 38- Thread holder; 40- Filmmaker Riefenstahl; 41- Like Bruckner's Symphony No. 7; 42- Wait ___!; 43- Musical dramas; 45- Taro; 47- Most gruesome; 48- Like some jobs; 49- Eye sores; 50- San Diego player; 53- Mil. address; 54- Examine account books; 58- Printed copy; 61- File; 62- Look ___, I'm Sandra Dee; 63- High home; 64- O.T. book; 65- Calendar abbr.; 66- Song of praise; 67- Barely passing grades;
1- Thomas ___ Edison; 2- "Fargo" director; 3- Land measure; 4- Scurrility; 5- Jailbird; 6- Jackal headed deity; 7- Squelched; 8- Personal quirks; 9- Make a boo-boo; 10- Consecrated; 11- "Lonely Boy" singer Paul; 12- Dance move; 13- "His and ___"; 19- Collection of maps; 21- Rod's partner; 25- Braided; 26- Study of diseases of the ear; 27- Stinking; 28- Minneapolis suburb; 29- Hawaiian state birds; 30- ___ Paulo, Brazil; 31- Grenoble's river; 32- Arm bones; 33- Damp; 35- Rapper Tone ___; 39- Writing instrument; 40- Unhurried; 42- Yellow-fever mosquito; 44- Defendant's answer; 46- Large stinging wasp; 47- System of social perfection; 49- Steeple; 50- School orgs.; 51- Jocular Johnson; 52- A bit wet; 53- Half the base times the height, for a triangle; 55- Stupefy; 56- Palmist's words; 57- Toll rds.; 59- Put an upper limit on; 60- X;